Welcome To PAYMETA

Multi Currency

PAYMETA Multi Currency Payment Processing

  • More sales Customers buy more when they know exactly what an item costs in familiar local currency.
  • Accepting multi-currency payments expands your business and increases your revenues.
  • Selling Beyond Geographic location with PAYMETA Multi-Currency Processing
  • PAYMETA reduces currency risk for the buyer
virtual point of sale  –  PAYMETA

Advantages for Merchant

  • Increased worldwide sales from the comfort of a local procuring solution..
  • Higher conversions of worldwide browsers to clients.
  • Reduced client service inquiries.
  • Enhanced client reliability with more prominent incentive to pick you for their next buy.


setup fee

Account Activation

few minutes

Accept Payments

in minutes

Advantages for Customers

  • Confident, educated purchasing choices.
  • Leisure voyagers appreciate the surety of knowing the final expense in the currency they know best.
  • Higher valuation for the purchase value.
  • The amount your client pays in their home currency matches with their credit card statement amount.
virtual point of sale  –  PAYMETA

Showing prices in local currency

Receiving payments in different currencies isn't helpful for clients only, however, may moderate the high risk of chargebacks. You can maintain a worldwide business and make your clients feel comfortable while making buys.

Posting costs in local currencies and enabling clients to pay in the currency based on their locations. You can charge US clients in dollars, UK clients in pounds, Spanish customers in euro, and so forth.

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Do more of what you always wanted

On the whole,using a PAYMETA Virtual POS system to supplement your regular POS lets you increase your sales and build new customer relationships beyond the confines of your location, which in turn spurs growth and provides new opportunities to expand your business.

24x7 Help
24X7 for all our customers
Your money is yours! All refunds come with no question asked guarantee.
100% Assurance
We provide 100% assurance. If you have any issue, your money is immediately refunded. Sit back and enjoy your shopping.
Our Promise
Happiness is guaranteed at PAYMETA. If we fall short of your expectations, give us a shout.